Man of faith and tradition, Muammar Al Qadhafi cannot be classified according to the criteria commonly admitted. If you search for him on the right you will find him on the left, since he preaches in many ways a renovation with the air of revolution. But if you look for him on the left you risk finding him on the right, because this sincere mystic is tied to more than one traditional value. It is not Qadhafi who is senseless; it is the terms, obsolete, and upon which are based the subjective judgements of foreign observers who are more interested in polemic than in the truth."
- Prof. Francis Dessart
To the all exploiters and enemies of humanity, Muammar Qadhafi is the world's number one 'terrorist'. But to the oppressed, the exploited and the struggling peoples of the earth he is a teacher, guide, brother, but above all, the leader of a world revolution for a New Civilization.
At the Second World Mathaba Conference held in Tripoli, Libya, on March 15th, 1986, just one month prior to the United States bombing raids on Libya, the spiritual head of the North American based "Nation of Islam", Minister Louis Farrakhan introduced Muammar Qadhafi by stating that the Libyan Arab people's collective need for freedom produced a leader who was born to serve the masses. Minister Farrakhan said that when a people is oppressed the need for freedom produces a longing which in turn produces a leader.
"The oppressor is always watching for that leader," Louis Farrakhan explained, "...they know that the people will never be free until they produce a leader with the vision to create the revolution and see it through to its ultimate end."
Such a leader is Muammar Al Qadhafi.
Muammar Al Qadhafi is more than just the Leader of the Libyan people. More than the Leader of the struggling Arab Nation. More than the symbol of hope and freedom for the oppressed of Africa, Asia and Latin America. For he is above all the Leader of the World Revolution. A man of determination and courage who is carrying the torch of real liberty not just for his own people, but for the people of the entire world. These are not just mere words or idle praises because unlike many of this century's heads of state who have laid claim to the mantle of 'revolutionary leader', Muammar Al Qadhafi's ACTIONS and LIFE have earned him the title of Leader of the World Revolution. Many men have apportioned to themselves the titles of Leader and Revolutionary but few reflect the great responsibilities of such appellations in even the smallest aspects of their lives. Muammar Al Qadhafi is a truly unique man, a man of a different calibre, a man whose example and thoughts inspire the struggling oppressed masses and haunts the oppressors. This is why he is loved by the peoples of the world but feared by the ruling exploiting cliques who know that his words and actions expose them for what they are.
Qadhafi's Inspiration
In the desert heaven and earth meet. It was in the desert that God spoke to Moses, and in the desert the ancient revolutionary Prophet Elijah heard the "still voice of God" ordering him to face the tyranny of an oppressive ruler. In the desert, Christ prepared himself through fasting and prayers for a mission which was to shape Western history. In the solitude of the desert the Prophet of Islam Muhammad contemplated the order of creation and the sad state of his own people. In the desert Muammar Al Qadhafi was born, lived, dreamed and reflected. (Islam and the Third Universal Theory, Mahmoud Mustafa Ayoub, Ch. 1.) From an early age he appeared to be different from other children. He was serious, even taciturn; yet his stern countenance was always tempered with an inquisitive smile. He was an only son to a family who lived in the desert, far from the city and its demands and benefits. Young Muammar seldom played with his cousins; rather he was always lost in thought about one thing or another. (Gadafi, Voice From the Desert, Mirella Bianco, Page 4.)
When asked about how he was brought up Brother Qadhafi said: "It was difficult in terms of the circumstances and the environment under which I lived. Bedouin life is mobile; the strictness of upbringing therefore comes from the severity of these circumstances. But socially I was free. We were Bedouins enjoying full freedom and we lived amongst nature and everything was absolutely pure, in its true self, in front of us. We lived on the land and there was nothing between us and the sky."
The eternal values and natural traditions of his Bedouin background helped to provide Muammar Qadhafi with a profound appreciation of the innate aspects of human existence. Brother Qadhafi himself has stated:
"Bedouin society made me discover the natural laws, natural relationships, life in its true nature and what suffering was like before life knew oppression and exploitation. This had enabled me to discover the truths that I have presented in the Green Book. It gave me a chance which has never been given to anybody else in my position. I have known and lived life in its very primitive stages. Because of that early life, a very simple life, I have lived life in its various stages right up to this modern age of imperialism when life became very complicated, very abnormal and unnatural. ...I had a general idea how to make the masses free, how to make man happy. After that, things started to get clearer." ('Heart to Heart With Qadhafi', New Africa, Feb. 1983.)
Even as a youth, Muammar Qadhafi earned the respect and admiration of his fellow secondary school students for his passionate interest in politics and revolutionary example. He used any political issue or significant event as a good occasion for a demonstration: the Algerian revolution, French testing of an atom bomb over the Sahara, the death of Patrice Lumumba and the dissolution of the Syrian-Egyptian union in 1961 are only a few examples. It was while at secondary school in Sebha that Muammar Qadhafi formed the first revolutionary committee out of a small circle trusted like-minded friends to whom he confided his revolutionary vision of a new Libyan society of freedom and independence. Among these young people were Abdul Salam Jalloud and others who have played a leading role in the Libyan Revolution. Single-minded and self-determined Muammar Qadhafi dedicated himself to the overthrow of the corrupt regime of King Idris and the establishment of the new society on the principles of justice, equality and a fair distribution of wealth.
Inspired by the Great Arab Revolutionary Gamal Abdul Nasser, Muammar Qadhafi in 1963 joined the military academy and the following year organised the Free Unionist Officers as a revolutionary force committed to the liberation of Libya and the achievement of Arab unity. Original members of the first revolutionary committee formed at Sebha secondary school, like Abdul Salam Jalloud, also joined the military, following the leadership and example of Muammar Qadhafi. However the Free Unionist Officers were not a vague independence party, but a highly disciplined, committed movement upholding moral strictness, Arab unity, freedom and social justice. One of their first axioms was freedom from any party politics.
Mirella Bianco after interviewing Col. Qadhafi's childhood friends and close family members wrote: "it is in the desert that one must seek out the very essence of Qadhafi's nature, of the spirituality, of the mysticism which have greater weight than any of his aspirations, and which influence even his political action... It is precisely this concept of liberty, the intangible freedom of desert people, - a freedom entirely one's own and yet a submission to God, and God alone, - which underlies all the choices, decisions and actions taken by Qadhafi; even, and perhaps essentially, those of a political nature. To his way of thinking, there is no salvation for mankind or for the nations unless they believe in God and cling to those moral values which no coercion can enforce, and which can arise only from faith." (Gadafi, Voice from the Desert, Mirella Bianco, P.4.)
September One
On September 1st, 1969 the months of planning and the years of dedication and discipline came to fruition. With one determined blow from the Free Unionist Officers the reactionary regime of King Idris collapsed and a new day dawned in the history of Libya, the Arab Nation and of the world's struggling peoples. Not a military coup d'etat it was the beginning of a revolution the ramifications of which were to reach every part of the globe and touch the lives of all peoples. It was the beginning of a revolution which answered the inner call of humanity and was inspired and led by Muammar Qadhafi. Shortly before his death the father of Arab nationalism, Gamal Abdul Nasser, while speaking at a rally at Benghazi noted the world historic role that Muammar Qadhafi would play. The great Egyptian leader declared: "I am leaving you, I say to you: My brother Muammar Qadhafi is the representative of Arab nationalism, of the Arab revolution and Arab unity. My dear brothers, may God watch over you for the well-being of the Arab people. May you go from victory to victory, for your victories are the victories of the Arab people."
The revolution which began on September 1st 1969 was unlike previous coups and so-called revolutions, it had as its aim not the glorification of another ruling clique or exploiting class but the victory of the dreams and hopes of the masses for final emancipation. On September 1st, 1969 a revolution dawned under the leadership of Muammar Qadhafi which answered the cry of the people and responded to the examples of the Prophets and Apostles of God.
Today, many years after the formation of the first revolutionary committee, the organisation of the Free Unionist Officers and 1st of September 1969, Muammar Qadhafi still holds to these sublime values and lives them as the Leader of the World Revolution. In the words of Vanity Fair journalist T.D. Allman: "If Kirkegaard was right, and purity of heart is to will one thing and one thing only, then Qadhafi was the purest-hearted military conspirator ever to seize control of a nation. He did not drink or smoke, there are no tales of youthful passion; he appeared to have no personal life at all."
This purity of heart, single-mindedness, courage, dedication and self-determination are the cherished aspects of a revolutionary life and they can be seen in abundance in the life of the Leader Muammar Qadhafi. These noble qualities enabled Col. Qadhafi, with profound insight, to develop the principles of the Third Universal Theory and apply them in the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Since the Bolshevik uprising in Russia the world had been locked in a struggle between the forces of Marxist communism and liberal capitalism. Revolutionaries who rejected both of these ideologies could find no leadership or coherent worldview which articulated their positions and was responsive to the real needs of the masses. This was only the case until the publication of The Green Book. Muammar Qadhafi has commented that: "It is not like writing an ordinary book. It was simply an attempt to explain the dialectic which exists between Marxism and capitalism. The world has reached a political and economic impasse, and humanity simply cannot accept this impasse and accept to die. There must be a way out. That way out is this new theory". ('Heart to Heart With Qadhafi', New Africa, Feb. 1983.)
Qadhafi's Vision
At a conference on Euro-Arab relations in Tripoli in May 1973, the Leader of the Revolution expounded on the philosophical aspect of the Third Universal Theory and its relationship to national and social liberation. In this speech we see the highly developed awareness of the Revolutionary Muammar Qadhafi and his acute appreciation of the complex inner needs of all the world's peoples. It is worth recalling his words which are still very relevant to life in the 1990s. He said:
"Humanity now urgently needs a cry of justice which would return it to its senses and to its Creator... We need to go back to God and turn away from evil... Atomic bombs, missiles, biological weapons and aggression can only be the making of the Devil. The ideology we propose to the world is humanitarian but not made by men, nor is it a philosophy, but it is based on truth.... This is Gods law, always one, immortal, and unchangeable, a universal religion of truth which belongs to all mankind. The Third Theory offers an alternative to capitalist materialism and communist atheism and calls for the return of mankind to the Kingdom of God. Mankind was never in greater need to rearm itself with faith than it is now. We all know that all the philosophies and ideologies have failed to disprove the existence of God, and as the truth of His existence is self-evident, it is quite clear that society must be reorganised in every country of the world in accordance with the will of God and the precepts of His Prophets."
Here we see the philosophical depth of the Third Universal Theory and how it has been drawn from the struggle of the masses for freedom and from the dynamic revolutionary precepts of the Messengers of God. "The Third Universal Theory, in simple terms, is a comprehensive formulation of the noble principles and moral values sent down from Heaven to the Prophets and Apostles to help guide people on the right path leading to happiness, stability and human tolerance. It is a worldview based on the concepts of justice, righteousness, moral fortitude, and respect for national existence. The Third Universal Theory has answers for the political, military and socio-economic problems facing human communities. For instance, popular rule is the political face of justice and righteousness. Socialism is the economic face of social justice, and the armed liberation struggle against colonialism in all its forms is the military face of peace and justice. These are principles that are able to guide every aspect of life. Since the problems of democracy and economic justice are closely connected with the whole well-being of society, we can, in the light of these principles, achieve right among peoples through people's power, and a new socialist society, free from exploitation, oppression and wrong-doing." (Jamahiriya Era of the Masses, Libyan People's Bureau, Canberra, Australia. P.20.)
This is the world historical mission of the son of the desert Muammar Qadhafi to return to the natural precepts which alone can guarantee human fulfilment and establish justice in the society. As such Muammar Qadhafi's message covers the political, economic, social and philosophical dimensions of life. In The Green Book he sets out fully the principles of the Third Universal Theory, a way which alone can lead searching humanity out of the capitalist/Marxist nexus. The main idea behind The Green Book is a return to the natural life and to natural forms of socialism and direct democracy - People's Power - which places all authority, wealth and arms in the hands of the people. To quote from The Green Book: "Finally, the era of the masses, which follows the age of the republics, excites the feelings and dazzles the eyes... The Third Universal Theory heralds emancipation from the fetters of injustice, despotism, exploitation and economic and political hegemony, for the purpose of establishing a society of all the people where all are free and have equal share in authority, wealth and arms. Freedom will then triumph definitively and universally." (The Green Book, Muammar Al Qadhafi.)
The Italian writer Mirella Bianco drew a comparison between Muammar Qadhafi and the Prophet Muhammed which is worthy of note. Both the Prophet and Qadhafi are Bedouins of a similar desert background. They both share, therefore, a common love for freedom, physical endurance, and an ideal of equality in society. They are both given to meditation, and share the belief that no real change in society could occur without a spiritual transformation. Both share a feeling of urgency in having to convey their vision of the universe to others. They are both teachers with unshakable certainty in the rightness of their convictions. They both possess unusual courage, and an indomitable determination to pursue their mission. Finally, they are products of similar moments of transition and change in human history.
A Revolutionary Life
In a rare interview with Western journalists in January 1986, only months before the U.S. terrorist bombing of Libya, the Leader of the Revolution spoke frankly about his life and how he had been misunderstood by the West. Meeting the journalists in his tent he told of how he admired former US Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and of other world leaders he admires like "Egypt's late Gamal Abdul Nasser, India's Mahatma Gandhi, Sun Yat-Sen of China and Italy's Garibaldi and Mazzini." (Really, I'm a Nice Guy, Kate Dourian, Tripoli, Libya.) He spoke of his favourite book The Outsider by British author Colin Wilson and others he likes such as Uncle Tom's Cabin and Roots. Throughout this interview the profound thinking and innate humanity of Muammar Qadhafi shone through.
In March 1986 the British newspaper Daily Mail held an exclusive interview with the Revolutionary Leader. In the introduction to the article the writer commented: "It was hard to credit that this was the man President Reagan had condemned as the world's number one terrorist. Colonel Muammar Al Qadhafi was simple and charming sitting by the bonfire outside his tent when I arrived to interview him. He told me: 'I see the press as being the messengers between me and the world to tell them the truth.'"
The failed actor and failed President Reagan addressing a press conference in November 1985 was asked what he thought of Muammar Qadhafi. In a rare moment of sanity Reagan replied: "I just think that the man is a zealot. He's pursuing a revolutionary cause that could affect a great many countries." (US Targets Libya Again, The Green March, Brisbane, Australia, Feb-March 1986.) So this is Muammar Qadhafi's "crime" in the eyes of imperialism. Muammar Qadhafi's "crime" is actively working to build a better world for all humanity and outlining in his Green Book a way by which the masses on every continent can take power, wealth and arms into their hands.
At a time in world history when so-called revolutionaries are deserting principle and rushing to join the ranks of the bourgeoisie ruling circles, the Leader Muammar Qadhafi stands out as a symbol of steadfast commitment to revolutionary principles. As he himself has said: "I am a revolutionary in struggle. One doesn't become tired when one is engaged in struggle. The struggle will continue. I will continue." The life of Muammar Qadhafi is one of revolutionary struggle and sacrifice for the well-being and victory of the masses of humanity. Muammar Qadhafi's inspiration, vision and life have earned him the title of LEADER OF THE WORLD REVOLUTION. Let us all resolve to march forward under his direction and encouraged by his example taking the message of the Green Book to a searching and seeking world.
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