My name is Mark Wells and I would like to welcome you to my group "Knowledge is King on Blogger". This group was design to share knowledge of historical figures and events that involves people of African descent around the globe and to give some exposure to issues and ideas that are rarely discussed in mainstream America.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"What is your definition of "The Higher Self"???"

Dr. Peter C. Rogers, DD,.PH,D

"As we trust in our Higher Selves more and more, we will come to a place in our consciousness where life becomes a loving experience because we’re constantly being guided by a power that has our best interest at heart. We will begin to observe the world as our instructor and every experience will be presented to us as one of lifes many lessons that gently leads us back into our true selves. Sooner or later, the ego will lose its grip over us and what we think we are dies and gradually the real self comes into clear view".


"Our Higher Selves will establish a stronger pattern that we will be able to feel and sense at every turn. We will become an adept at feeling the right choices and knowing when to act because the Higher Self knows what lies ahead. Fear dissipates in the light of this awareness and in every challenging situation we will find ourselves eagerly anticipating instructions from within. Wilde says that once we establish a constant flow from the Higher Self that it becomes addictive. In fact, we will become frightened at not being a part of it, for we will find ourselves abandoned in the world, with all its uncertainties and fears".

Islamic1 (Hassiem)

"As Salaamu Alaikum
There are some people who attain the knowledge of Higher Self without effort and striving on their part. Their very nature is such that without any effort or striving they obtain a Higher Self knowledge that can not be surpassed by most.

As time passes,their inner fire grows stronger and with it grows the fire to obtain Higher Self. When that fire reaches its climax, they fervently desire that the glory of God be manifested upon the earth.The rank of those invested with this natural aptitude is higher than that of the other seekers.In all these matters God becomes their Guardian and Provident".

Ma's Salama HASSIEM

Abdin Salaam Sakina Id Deen

"There is a battle between the self, the lower self, and the soul. This battle will continue through life. The question is, Who will educate whom? Who will become the master of whom? If the soul becomes the master, then you will be a believer, one who embraces Truth. If the lower self becomes master of the soul, you will be one who denies Truth.At this second level, people do not yet have the ability to change their way of life in a significant way. However, as they see their faults more clearly, their regret and desire for change grow. At this level, people are like addicts who are beginning to understand the pain they have caused themselves and others. The addiction is still far too strong to change. That requires far stronger medicine".


"The HIGHER SELF is the DIVINE ESSENCE, DIVINE SPARK, I AM PRESENCE, and it is the purest form of the creator or that energy which we called God. We have many levels of self within our physical body and the Higher Self is the upper most level. We are Divine beings, living a human experience. We are in contact with our Higher Self every time our “conscience” tells us someone needs our compassion, a gut feeling about a situation, an inspiration, a selfless action, etc. The majority of us are not even aware of this, much less that they come from a Divine source, therefore; we’re Divine as well. Total contact/awareness with this Higher Self can be achieved through out many lifetimes of lessons and service to humanity so that the DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS, NIRVANA, ENLIGHTEMENT, or ASCENSION can be attained in which we would be totally fused with our Higher Self".

Mark Wells

"The higher self ( in my opinion) is when a person can get to a level of acknowledgment that he or she is a spiritual being in a physical body. Once you truly accept this reality, you'll give your spiritual self priority over your physical being. It is a tough task especially in a world that embraces the opposite!!!! That is the task of this life for that you are more prepare for the next life".

Dr. Ali Afifi'

"The higher self is to worship the God as if u see Him and if u do not see Him, be sure that He sees you".

Ayele Khumari

"You are a multidimensional being in that there is the part of you that is in the human condition and then that which is your spiritual essence. The human condition part is your ego, physical self, persona or personality. This is the part of you that thinks it is the self based on experience, environment and conditioning. However, it is acutely aware that it is perishable, and impermanent and therefore it demands that we protect it at all cost which often undermines the spiritual self.
The spiritual essence, higher self, God self, soul is the part of our being that is immortal and beyond the human condition. It existed before your physical being was created and will be here after the human condition ceases. This is the self connected to all other selves and is one with all and thus the collective consciousness. Its mission is to evolve though the experience of the human condition while not getting trapped in it. It is the essence of love".

George Hewes

"The unity of the Physical , and Psychic Self to be at one with the" Cosmic & the Heavenly Host". and to be able to access the "Akashic Records" for the Good of Mankind'


"It is that part of you that’s invisible and that quietly lives in that inner space deep inside your consciousness. That higher self spirit has no need for more because it knows that it’s value comes from
itself and not from what it gains, what it wins or what it collects and
accumulates. Living a more spiritual life with a greater sense of inner
peace and personal fulfilment is primarily about placing greater
emphasis on the higher self and on giving the spirit a
greater prominence in your life. It’s not a process of slaying the
‘evil’ ego, but rather about learning to subdue the ego and it’s demands
in flavor of the higher self’s demand to be at peace".

Lonnie Peters

"The higher self is our individual spirit being that is one with the God Spirit. Many time we allow it to be suppressed by our physical being,
due to the fact that our mind is more tuned in to this physical world

that we live in".

Janice Smith

"The higher self seeks to see the reality of our existence and is not moved by every wind of change, but able to consider and contemplate before mindless action. When you are operating on your highest level you have literally passed from death to life".


I don't believe in a higher self. I do think there is such thing as a higher sense of learning or intellect however! Man is man and will continue to be a man under God!!!!
There are those who believe man is to be godlike or maybe even a god like the Ubermensch of Neitsche or the high priest and Pharoahs.
There are those who call themselves god as in they don't believe in a ghostly God and that he is a person with high intellect.
I refrain from trying to get higher in my position and will allow my conscious and intellect to rise to a higher status but I am not a god and will never be one.
Raise your mind NOT yourself!

Eleni Duplessis

"The Higher Self in my opinion:
Discovering the Higher Self is the journey of our life...

"When we are born, there is no sense of self, no sense of differentiation or separation from anything else in our awareness. As we grow older, we become identified with our bodies, personalities, families, and all of the thoughts and beliefs that make up our experience of life. As time progresses, we take on new identities: husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, managers, lawyers, office workers, computer programmers, basketball players, and the list goes on and on".

"As one begins to earnestly pursue a spiritual path, it is natural to question these roles and identities and try on new ones. As we move deeper into experiencing the truth of who we are, beyond what we can see with our eyes, hear with our ears, or believe with our minds, the pursuit of a direct and personal experience of our True Nature begins to grow until experiencing and knowing our True Self first-hand eventually becomes the primary goal of our lives".

"Depending on each one's path we can give a different name to it: for ex. the Higher Self can be described as:
* I Am Presence
* I Am That I Am
* Pure Being

* Love

* Spirit

* Essence of Life

* Cosmic Consciousness

* Universal Mind

* The Tao

* God"

"Personally it is the energy that we feel withing and around us as all things are interconnected".

"That which is the source of the sun and of every power in the cosmos, beyond which there is neither going nor coming, is the Self indeed. For this Self is supreme"!

David Gould

"The higher self is that spark of God Himself placed in each human heart at its creation. In essence it is pure love and we only free it by giving it away. Every time you smile you are showing that part of God within for He alone can accept everyone as they are and transform them...the Higher Self is that part of us that is part of a transforming process of Him we serve and love".

Gina Mahogany

"I think that Higher Self is just realizing that there's more to life than just this...To me it's almost stepping outside yourself and looking at yourself and realizing that there's more to YOU than just what you see. We have a divine connection and a light that shines so bright inside of us that it's blinding. Find your Higher Self and rise above the norm. You'll see the world, people and the sky filled with stars so differently. There's more than meets the eye and just going about a daily routine. Compassion and uplifting those around you is a start". "This is just my opinion".

Sister Cyber

"My idea of the "Higher Self" is that it is a level of what I call "superconscious" that is inherent in everyone which we are able to tap into when the conscious and subconscious merge and are simultaneously working together in balance as One (not as "normal" in separate states). While in a superconscious state, such wonders of nature can occur like astral projection, extrasensory perception ("ESP"), Ah-Ha moments, brainstorming visions, etc. The higher self/superconscious is where knowledge is "hidden" from the conscious by the subconscious".


"You came to the earth plane (some say chose) and had a seed implanted from the seed package labelled 'soul'. It is a seed that is to be nurtured through all earth experiences to eventually blossom as an individualized, spiritual soul for return to the garden that is God.

Our higher self is the part of our spirit that we use in these experiences to help make them spiritual experiences, even in material conditions of life".


I believe that as individuals we are multi-dimentional. We have the ability to think and act in a way of logic, emotion, instinct, and faith and any combination of those elements guide us in life. I believe that each individual is capable of personal greatness, personal comfort, personal demise and spiritual enlightement depending on which dimension the individual operates out of. I also believe that each individual is destined for greatness and ones higher self is the self that holds our actions accountable to our greatness or our destiny.

Mert Martin

I realize I'm here on earth for a short time, the creator gives me a brand new chance, each time my eyes open in the morning. To look at the many different ethnic groups, and want love, understanding, equality, so we can live in harmony and prosper. To me, higher self means the seed that was planted in me by my parents, has blossomed into a human being that appreciates life and those around him, realizing a supreme being existed before the beginning of time, aligned every planet in the solar system..... that earth experiences seasons, everything coming back fresh and new each spring, after a cold winters sleep.

Sissy Keith

My higher self is the realization that GOD provides all my needs,not my wants,its knowing i was born with all i need from him to not only survive but live in peace and logic with all and that can be the hardest thing in the world to do some days but its in me i just gotta keep digging deeper.

Ali Aminifu

Peace, my definition of higher self is; being unlimited to anything that you can do. Believing and having that faith in you, that all things is possible. Higher Self is The G-d in you. That is what I get from the scriptures. G-d talks to us; while we sleep, or in our quiet moments. You recognize that, then you recognize your higher self. God consciousness. The spirit that dwells within us.

KaBoom Promotion

The higher self is a creation of the ego, simply an illusion in thought. The 'SELF' itself is merely kin to the pattern in which many may easily express a point-of-view on energy. Preference constructs an idea for such things described as 'HIGHER' or 'TRUE SELF.'

Like anything else, the higher self is exactly what one would think it is or isn't.

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